October 13, 2011

When Friday Won't Come Fast Enough

Friday is the last day of my 8-5 job. Friday at 5 p.m. is when I can jump for joy and all of the stress that I have been caring around for the last 2 months is gone. Friday is the day when I feel like my 'life' really starts, professionally that is.

Accounting is something that I am very good at, thanks to my great mentors, but it is not what I want to do...it is not who I want to be. I have always known this about me but the greed in me kept saying "stay with it". Well, I am done. We only have one life and this is not a dress rehearsal. Come Monday the uncomfortable feeling will set it. I am not one that has never not worked...I have always worked because I like to be comfortable. I guess this is why we all take a leap of faith, we jump and hope to God that we can fly. I am sure that one day the comfort will come back and it will be even better than before because I will be doing something that I love. I will be passionate about what I am doing, running my own business.

If you haven't noticed yet, I have a somber tone mostly because I have been completely uninspired this week. It frustrates me that I allow myself to be affected by the people that I work with. I usually work, as in this blog ;) , through lunch but not this week. I haven't been in the mood. I promise that will change after Friday. I am sure I will feel that a huge weight has been lifted while another one, but an amazing one, will set in. I am ready to embark on this new journey in our lives. I am excited that I will have you guys to keep me inspired. I am so ready for this next stage.

Stay tuned for the Drake Men, our business, updates and behind the scenes photos.


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