December 10, 2012

New Week, New Day, New Job...

This new Winter like weather is a wonderful thing to wake up to this morning. I have waited for this for so long! I think I can speak on behalf of all Houstonians when I say that the 80 degrees was really uncalled for, unfair, and needed to get the heck out of here. *Do I hear applause?! :)

Along with this wonderfully chilly weather comes with a new job! Don't worry, Drake Men is not going anywhere. Something that I have realized over the last two weeks is that being an adult comes with lots of responsibility. Now this is nothing new to me but as I have been avoiding looking at our bank account it was certainly not avoiding me. After much debate, talking, and trying to figure out a plan it was decided that the only way I could really help out around here was to get a j-o-b. 

Part of me is very excited to go back to a 8-5 job. I am a crazy person that likes to have a structured, busy schedule. It's when I am the happiest and tend to get many more things done. Sounds strange but true story. 

I am in no way letting Drake Men sit on the sidelines! It is still here and fully intact. New and exciting things will be happening over the next few months. As I build back up our bank account, I will still be establishing Drake Men's reputation in this crazy fashion world. It will definitely become more challenging as the only time I will have to work on it will be night time and the weekends. Like I said when I have more on my plate I tend to be more efficient and things get done better and faster. I think it's all the temptations that sometimes gets the best of me. But hey I never said I was perfect nor do I aspire to be. I am ever growing and evolving. 

So as you are all reading this from your comfy couch with coffee in hand or sitting at your desk procrastinating at work I will be going through the first day preparations at the new j-o-b! Now get back to work and I will see you back here tomorrow morning!

Quote: {here}

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