November 11, 2011

Happy Veterans Day...My Marine

Yesterday was the Marine Corps Birthday and today is Veterans Day. I did not grow up in a military family but I certainly married into one. My husband served eight years in the Marine Corps, was activated twice, but after a broken foot sent him home early on the first deployment he had the opportunity to complete one tour in Iraq. It's days like today that I remember, one of the many reasons, why I love him so much. I will be the first to admit that I do not have the courage to do what he and so many others do for this country.

I still remember what it was like to have him leave for his tour to Iraq. The fear of not knowing if he would return was always on my mind but as a Marine wife, I was girlfriend at the time, is to just keep moving forward. Never stopping your life because he is gone. We are the one's that hold down the fort while they are not here. I think that's what meant the most to him. When we would speak we would always talk about the new things that were going on in my life. A year of him being gone is such a long time but the reuniting with him makes it all worth while. Here are some of the photos of them returning back in 2008.

Seeing the buses!
Running = blurry

The first hug in a year.

This last photo is so interesting because when he went to grab my hand it was such a familiar feeling but at the same time I wasn't used to it. For a year there was no hug, kiss, or hand holding. I remember, in a split second, looking at our hands thinking "oh my gosh he is finally home".

Happy Veterans day to all the men and women out there. Thank you for your service.

~Semper Fi

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