April 10, 2012

Working From Home...

Transitioning from the corporate world to working from home has been difficult, at times, for me. I miss the hustle and bustle of having an 8-5 job Monday-Friday. I am a routine girl. Having a schedule helps me stay on track, keeps me focused, and makes the days go by faster. Getting into a routine here at home has been hard. I have probably tried out four or five different methods to see which one fits.

Not only am I working on a business which takes up the majority of my day but I still am a wife and I have a household to run. Besides all that comes with those two things I try to find time to visit the gym once a day, see my new niece, have lunch with family and friends, and then do the occasional Starbucks run. Trying to fit all of these things into a schedule has been a problem. Yesterday, I finally felt like I was getting it down. I do know that through out the days I most enjoy working out in the early afternoon (2ish). It gives me the break that I need from working that morning. Wednesdays have been reserved for laundry days. Living in a one bedroom condo means that I get to hear the lovely noise the washer and dryer makes but it's beats having to stay home on a weekend because your hamper is overflowing! Fridays=cleaning in the afternoon. That way weekends are reserved for time with the hubs and house projects.

Working on Drake Men uses up most of my days. I start around 8-sometimes earlier- and finish around 5...later if I need to finish up something. In between those hours I leave one for working out, 30 minutes for lunch, and about an hour a few times a week to make a trip to Starbucks and get some fresh air. For one whole week I did a test run. I worked from home until 1, hit the gym, then went to a coffee house until 5 to finish up my work. Staying couped up in a house for hours on end gets a little...well...it makes me a little crazy. But at the same time being at a loud cafe slows me down. I over hear almost every ones conversations, the music is loud, and the noise from the coffee machines don't help either.

Realizing all these things has lead me to, what I think, will be the perfect routine. A few times a week I reserve an hour to go to Starbucks or run an errand just so that I can see the outside world. Right now, one of the musts that I am doing for Drake Men requires me to go to fabric warehouses. So I reserve two days a week for that project. The rest of the time you will find me sitting at our dining room table-my 'desk'-emailing, drawing, drafting newsletters, researching, and blogging. It has taken me about six months to nail down how I need to spend my days but it has been well worth it! Yesterday was one of the most productive days that I have ever had. It makes me feel good that my husband left for work and I was working. He came home at 5:30 and I was working and didn't finish until I made myself at 6:30 because he was giving me the "What's for dinner" look. Ha!

I didn't realize that when I changed the tone of this blog a few weeks ago that this would be one of the things I would be talking about. It makes sense though. DML includes how I spend my days. The routine I will make myself get into. As of this moment there is nothing more important to me than Drake Men and the future that I can see for this company. My frustration with it not being live yet pushes me each day to work longer and harder. I am the only one that will be able to make that happen. Yes, my husband is a big part of the company but I am the one sitting at the computer all day. In order for him to do his job with Drake Men I must do mine.

This is pretty neat. Built in desks that can be hidden with the sliding doors!

Having said that....back to work for me!

Photos {here}

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